If ye do these things, ye shall never fall–2 Pet. 1: 10. The contingency is not in the doing of these things perfectly, and regardless of the righteousness of Christ to cover our transgressions and compensate for our daily shortcomings; but if, added to our faith in the imputed...
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Let us watch and be sober–1 Thes. 5: 6. Let us watch in the sense of taking careful notice of all the directions which the Lord our God has given us, respecting what would be acceptable service to Him. Let us watch ourselves, striving to walk as nearly as...
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The Angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them–Psa. 34: 7. How it enlarges the confidence of a Christian to realize that while earthly powers may be in opposition, and while he may be really of himself powerless to resist adversaries, and while...
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He shall give his angels a charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways–Psa. 91: 11. That is, God will raise up some faithful pastors and teachers who will “watch for your souls as they that must give an account.” True, there shall arise false teachers,...
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She hath done what she could–Mark 14: 8. It is not our privilege to come into personal contact with our dear Redeemer, but it is our privilege to anoint the Lord’s “brethren” with the sweet perfume of love, sympathy, joy and peace, and the more costly this may be...
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